Yara field studies have shown that nitrogen and NPK fertilisers containing ammonium nitrate have consistently returned higher yield and better crop quality crop than urea and UAN.
TRY OUR QUIZ: Find out how you can improve your farm's nitrogen fertiliser efficiency
Combining high-quality nitrate-based fertiliser with balanced nutrition and precision farming technology is the best way to increase the yield of your crops without compromising on their quality.
How can a nitrate-based solution improve your crop performance?
Late, light lodging reduces yield by 5 to 15%
Reduces sedimentation value by 5 to 10%
Increases harvest cost by 200 to 300 % in case of severe lodging
Large scale trials comparing interaction of Yara N-Sensor with growth regulator, reduced lodging from 29-32% lodged in control areas to 3-5% lodged with N-Sensor variable rate nitrogen.
Answer five questions to see if you can improve your nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency
For more information on specific issues check out these articles.
Improving nitrogen fertiliser efficiency is one way your farm can become more productive, profitable and sustainable. Try our quiz to find out how you can improve your farm's nitrogen fertiliser efficiency.
Find out how your farm can become more productive, profitable and sustainable by future proofing your resources, your profit and our planet.
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