A compound fertiliser is one that has been manufactured in a plant that can mix all the ingredients (nutrients) together before the final granulation or prilling process. This means all the granules or prills in that product have the same nutrient analysis, density, shape and size range. In contrast to compound fertiliser, blended fertilisers will have different colored, shaped and sized particles.
Made up of completely separate particles of N, P and K. Often with a large variation in bulk density and particle size.
Each identical particle contains the correct balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur.
YaraMila compound fertilisers include each nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur) in the correct proportions in every particle, which guarantees the correct nutrient analysis.
Because all the particles in a YaraMila compound fertiliser are the same size and weight, they spread uniformly giving an even distribution of nutrients.
There is simply no segregation of nutrients during transport, handling or application. Because all the granules have consistent particle size and bulk density, segregation won't occur.
The physical qualities of a fertiliser determine how evenly it spreads. In fertiliser blends, no two parts are the same, and individual ingredients can segregate out in the spreader. With YaraMila products, the granules have the same density, shape and size range. Therefore, the spreader setting is a ‘best fit’.
The more dense ingredients in a blend are thrown furthest; the less dense don’t reach the wider areas of the spreading width. It’s also worth noting that a fertiliser spreader tray test for a blended product may indicate an even spread for the ‘whole’ product but for the individual nutrients, there might be a great deal of variation. There’s no ambiguity when examining the results of a tray test with a true compound fertiliser, as each granule or prill contains the full analysis for that product.
Ásia e Oceania