Plant shows stunted, erect growth with interveinal chlorosis of the younger leaves.
Sulphur deficiency
Plant shows stunted, erect growth. Seen from a distance, younger leaves are colored uniformly pale, but when you look at them closely, it's rather an interveinal chlorosis. The yellowgreen leaves show a narrow brown seam along the leaf margin.
Sulphur deficiency (right)
Nitrogen deficiency can cause similar symptoms but begins at the older leaves.
Plant shows stunted, erect growth. Seen from a distance, younger leaves are coloured uniformly pale, but when you look at them closely, it's rather an interveinal chlorosis.
The yellowgreen leaves show a narrow redbrown seam along the leaf margin and the leaf base has got a tint of the same colour.
Sulphur deficiency
Nitrogen deficiency can cause similar chlorosis but begins at the older leaves.
Plant shows stunted, erect growth. Seen from a distance, younger leaves are coloured uniformly pale, but when you look at them closely, it's rather an interveinal chlorosis.
The yellowgreen leaves show a narrow redbrown seam along the leaf margin and the leaf base has got a tint of the same colour.
Sulphur deficiency
Nitrogen deficiency can cause similar chlorosis but begins at the older leaves.
Maize: 5 l/ha at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Repeat 10 to 14 days later if required. Water rate: 200 l/ha.
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