Acquiring and utilising accurate information such as grain analysis data is fundamental to many decisions made in the arable sector.
Making nutrient decisions based on analysis of harvested grain is becoming an increasingly useful management tool.
Grain analysis is available for both cereals and oilseed.
Grain analysis is the best way to determine if the nutritional requirements of a previous crop were properly addressed. |
Testing the nutrient content of harvested grain provides you with:
All results are interpreted against Yara Analytical long-term UK grain dataset allowing you to benchmark your samples against standard UK practice.
This is the basic analysis, useful for benchmarking nitrogen and sulphur management.
N, S, NS ratio
This gives the nutrient levels for all twelve plant nutrients and ensures no deficiency is missed.
N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn
Ásia e Oceania